Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 6: Calling the corners/quarters

Calling the corners/quarters. Which one do I call it? I've seen it called both. I have it written down as quarters in my Book, but I didn't know if people would understand it that way, and I have issues with anxiety about that kind of dumb stuff. I get anxiety about the weirdest things. Anyway, I have written my own corner callings because I like writing stuff and it seemed pretty basic and easy to do. Remembering it is a whole other story.

I know which way is North, and you can expect the dominoes fall into place from there. Anyway, every time I have gone to call the quarters I always forget what I am supposed to say. I resist the urge to say "Hey you, yeah the one who represents this side, get over here, and play with me." I say shit backwards and in the wrong order. Half the time I think the guardians of the quarters are laughing at me every time I bumble a word.... which is just about every single time. So I am sure you all see why I really need practice with this. I don't want to drag my book around with me every damn time I walk around the circle calling the quarters because my brain refuses to remember a few short sentences. My corner casting is basic. Nothing fancy at all. I just need to devote time to sitting down and memorizing the lines as if I was in a play.

Anyway, I might as well share my easy simple (yet totally beyond me) corner castings. (Also which way do you really start from? North or East? I have seen it both ways!)

Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the east, powers of air and intellect, bless this rite with your presence tonight.

Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the south, powers of fire and passion, bless this rite with your presence tonight.

Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the west, powers of water and emotion, bless this rite with your presence tonight.

Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the north, powers of earth and balance, bless this rite with your presence tonight.

Here is my "dismissing" the quarters thing. (I don't like saying dismissing. I don't own them, or command them to do my bidding. They are just there to play with me, and then they go to wherever they go to.)

Guardians of the North, powers of Earth and balance, thank you for your presence tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must, farewell and blessed be.

Guardians of the West, powers of Water and emotion, thank you for your presence tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must, farewell and blessed be.

Guardians of the South, powers of Fire and passion, thank you for your presence tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must, farewell and blessed be.

Guardians of the East, powers of Air and intellect, thank you for your presence tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must, farewell and blessed be.

P.S. I can keep saying I am sorry for posting so late, however I am a night owl so I suspect this will be the norm for my witchy posts.

1 comment:

  1. You're right. It's quarters, not corners. There are no corners in a circle. :)
